RESERVATION: 01274 495963

Covid Policy

Covid Policy

COVID-19 Guidelines

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus we have introduced certain safety measures for both our staff and customers.

The following procedures have been put into place:

• Clearly marked and visible social distancing steps.
• Signage and posters to direct social distancing.
• Hand sanitiser dispensers available in our office and kitchen.
• Daily disinfecting of any potential touchable surfaces including door handles, seating, lavatories, wooden surfaces and devices with antiviral cleaning products.
• A daily thorough clean of our kitchens and facilities.
• Receiving any delivered ingredients or supplies in securely wrapped containers.
• Multiple washing of all our cutlery, utensils and crockery.
• Cleaning staff to wear PPE including hand coverings.
• Regular detailed cleaning of our vans.

We request our customers:

• If you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms: high temperature, continuous cough or loss of sense of smell or taste or even if you are feeling generally unwell then you must not visit us. Stay at home to protect yourself and others.
• Prior to coming to us and after, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
• To ensure a face covering is worn at all times when visiting our premises.
• To apply the hand sanitisers located in our office on your arrival.
• If you have to cough or sneeze; you should immediately leave our office and do so outside, take care to cover your mouth or nose with a tissue and then promptly dispose of the tissue.
• Whilst waiting to receive your order, remain in your car at all times.
• Do not attempt to enter our kitchens under any circumstances.

The guidelines are there to support everyone’s health and safety. Only through following such rules and measures can we successfully reduce the risk of